Saturday, May 14, 2016

Multinational forces arrested the leader of Boko Haram 5

Multinational forces arrested the leader of Boko Haram 5 The government of Cameroon said on Saturday that the multinational forces fighting against the Boko Haram leader arrested 5 The leaders and the liberation of dozens of women and children who have been detained. According to a spokesman for the government's raid took their base in the wild Madawaya Boko Haram in northern the goal of the attack earlier this month and freed 28 children and women at least 18 people too. This notification when there are a summit in Abuja, capital of Nigeria, to discuss security regional and strategic fight against Boko Haram. In his speech at the opening session of the summit, President Nigeria Muhammadu Buhari, said they need money About a billion dollars to help development in the lake Chad area to eliminate the causes which make widespread terror. Buhari said that a major problem at the moment is the building of new infrastructure such as schools, health clinics, roads and bridges these help to solve the problems of the people who were wanderers from their homes, mostly women and children. Source: VOA By: Heng Chanthoeun


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